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Cross Ref:
MWB Mega-Claw BLACK Light Source PSF1133 ETC MWM Mega-Claw Silver MWW Mega-Claw White Powder Coat
The new standard for hanging intelligent lighting fixtures. Allows one man to hang intelligent fixtures. Simply flip the link up, place clamp over the pipe and the Mega-Claw holds the weight of the fixture for you while you secure it with the solid 3/4inch thick handle. The Mega-Claw will fit onto (1-1/2inch Pipe) 1.9inch OD to 2inch OD.
Minimum Size 1.5inch pipe, 1.90inch OD pipe
Maximum Size 2inch OD truss tube
Safe Vertical Working Load 1,100 lb 500kg
1/2inch-13 1? grade 5 hex head fixture mounting bolt with 1inch diameter 600 pound belleville spring washer for tensioning.
1/2inch-13 4? trapazoidal head bolt for securing link to pipe.
Dimensions 4.375inch Tall x 6inch Wide x 2inch Thick
Weight 2 lb .9kg
Quantity Per Case: 12